24th January 2020



Emily is omnipresent at WBB, if you need info or support, she’ll be there to advise or find the answer. An absolute asset to WBB, although Emily only started just over a year ago, it feels like she’s always been around, quietly helping guide the ship. You probably don’t get to see Emily much as the majority of her time is spent in the office or in a meeting, so get to know her a little more by reading on.


What got you into the beer industry?

It was just by chance really. I had just moved to the area from Oxford, found the job and thought it would be a fun place to work.


How long have you been at WBB and how has the business/your role progressed in that time?

I started in October 2018 as Operations Coordinator and from then, I started taking on more and more HR responsibilities. I now advise on HR issues for the whole company and am completing my CIPD qualification. It has been a great learning experience and its been great to see the company grow so much in that short time.


What’s your favourite beer style?

Really like sour beer, Wild Weather’s ‘Damn Dead Cucumber’ is my current fave. Been loving our Hit Refresh too.


When you’re not working, what do you enjoy doing? Any hobbies/interests?

I volunteer in the animal department at The Living Rainforest in Hampstead Norreys on Saturdays which I love. Also been watching a lot of very low budget thrillers (if you can call them that) with my housemates recently. Birdemic is currently in the top spot, it is truly horrendous but amazing.


Best place you’ve ever travelled to and any recommendations for people visiting there?

I’m very lucky to have been all over but my favourite place so far is Rottnest Island in Australia. You can cycle the whole island in a day and it is beautiful.


Coffee or tea in the morning?



Favourite place to eat and what makes them memorable?

Annies Burger Shack in Nottingham – many hungover days spent there at Uni.


What was the last thing you listened to? Any music/podcast recommendations?

Recently, I’ve been revisiting a load of music I used to listen to when I was younger. Currently listening to Wolfmother a lot. Also been listening to BBC Earth and The Guardians ‘Today in Focus’ podcasts.


Funniest thing you’ve seen happen in the office so far?

Watching our MD constantly struggle with PowerPoint is hilarious. He says it’s the devil.


Most recent book you read?

David Attenborough – Adventures of a Young Naturalist

A really interesting book about his early career.

I’ve also had my head in a lot of HR textbooks for my course.


What would you like to do more of in 2020?

I’d love to travel more. I’m heading to Beijing in May for a half marathon and planning a trip to America for later in the year.


Anything else you’d like to add?

I’m really looking forward to seeing what 2020 has in store for the company.


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